Study Less, Study Smart #
A youtube video showing an efficient way how to study by Marty Lobdell.
Below are the combined key notes taken by Daniel Vecera and Pratik Nagelia:
Break your study time into 25-30 minute pieces. Then take a break for 5 mins and then get back to study.
Have a study area. Always use the study area. No Netflix and Instagram allowed in this area. Don’t have an extra desk? Buy a special light to use only when you study.
Understand concepts: What am I learning : fact or concept ? Grasp the concept so you can derive. Imagine the real-life use and connect the concepts to your past knowledge. Break meaningless things into meaningful parts. You understand something when you can tell it in your own words.
If 3 is not applicable and you need to memorize some lists, use one of these: Association, Mnemonics, Acronyms, Coined Saying, Interacting Image in your head. Expand your notes after class : Give it depth.
Recognition is much easier than Recollection: If you read your notes for the second time, you will feel like you know all of this stuff. But to check this, think about the concept you read 3 pages before and try to explain it. This proves to be much harder.
Recapitulate your learning : Go teach someone else, it reinforces your learning. Active recitation. If you have nobody at hand, talk to a chair.
Get as much as sleep as possible. Sleeping is the time you really learn. (Studying 12 hours and sleeping 4 is worse than studying 8 hours and sleeping 8.)
After each class, give depth to your notes before your short-term memory gets erased.
SQ3R : Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review. While starting, survey the chapter and ask questions.
Memorization : 1) Mnemonics 2) Coined sayings 3) Interacting Images (Use visualisations)